This weeks Torah portion is VaYishlach. It begins with Jacob anticipating his meeting with his twin brother, Esau. Because of his past deceptions, Jacob is in fear that Esau will harm him and his family so he sends out messengers with many fine gifts in an attempt to... Read the Rest...
CELEBRATE LIGHT AND MIRACLES A story of light and miracles for children of all ages by Jackie Olenick – 2003 In memory of those who came before and in honor of my 9 grandchildren, Shlomo, Joseph, Avygayil, Ezra, Elijah, Yaakov, Yeheskel, Simcha and Tova ... Read the Rest...
This weeks Torah parsha is Vayetze which is about dreams, blessing and deceit. It opens with Jacob’s dream where he comes to understand his connection to G-d. From Jacob we learn that we become that connection – with our feet planted in the Earth and our heads... Read the Rest... This week’s Torah parta is concerned with the importance of blessings. In 2006 Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi honored me with the ordination of “Ba’al at Brakhot” – Master of the Blessing. I was... Read the Rest...
Jewish art has many faces. I focus on the visual, but of course we have our musicians, composers, poets, and writers. One of my favorite writers and composers is Rabbi Shefa Gold. I regularly check in with her book, “Torah Journeys”, to see how I, personally, can... Read the Rest...
Jewish Art aka Judaic art is only limited by the imagination and/or inspiration of the artist. Creativity, inspiration, joy and spirit are evident at a wonderful exhibit happening now, here in Florida at Via in Lakeside Village in Lantana (just north of Boynton... Read the Rest...