This week’s parsha references the laws of kashrut. For me and our family, being kosher in 2018 means being Eco-kosher. The following suggestions are from the Reform Movement’s “10 minutes of Torah” with words by Rabbi David A. Lyon: Shop local! Find a farmer’s market... Read the Rest...
See this beautiful Judaic art piece from Pirkei Avot on the “Who is Strong?” product page. Week 2 (April 8-14) Gevurah – Discipline, boundaries. The second week of the Omer started the Saturday night that Pesach went out. We’ve celebrated and we’ve been... Read the Rest...
It is clear, the Eternal wants active dance partners in all men, women, and children. Therefore, may we all have the courage to step up onto the dance floor of life, making our collective movements forward more vibrant! During this week’s parsha we celebrate, with... Read the Rest...
Priestly Blessing: May God Bless and Keep You May God Shine on You and Be Gracious To You May God Shine Within You and Grant you Peace This piece portrays the oldest recorded blessing ever found and is one of our most beloved blessings. The three prong and four prong... Read the Rest...
This meaningful Bat Mitzvah image will be treasured by the Bat Mitzvah young woman, her parents, teachers and rabbis. This image brings forth special blessings from our Matriarchs, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. It is complete with a beautiful silver and gold, wood... Read the Rest...