Shema Mandala: I call this the “Amazing Shema”. I had a vision and started writing “Shema Yisrael…to the end of the first paragraph – without measuring – and it worked out perfectly to the center of this picture. This measures 13 x 13″ in a double mat. Enjoy this... Read the Rest...
Morning Glory Ketubah: This romantic ketubah featuring beautiful morning glories, will remind you of the daily pleasures and the miracle of renewal that will blossom in your new life together. Two lovebirds adorn the floral spray. It measures 16 x 20″ and is... Read the Rest...
Sacred Space Ketubah: Sacred Space Ketubah – With the words “matovu” across the top of the tent “How Goodly Are Your Tents, Oh Jacob, Your Dwelling Places, Oh Israel” – this ketubah creates sacred space in your new home together. This ketubah measures 24″ x 19.5″.... Read the Rest...
A Woman of Valor. “By the work of her hands and the goodness of her deeds, will she be treasured”. This image of beautiful orchids, juxtaposed with an updated interpretation of our beloved “Eishet Chayil – A Woman of Valor”, brings new and deeper meaning for today’s... Read the Rest...
Dodi Li – Orange Flowers From Song of Songs, recited at weddings comes this gentle image for your beloved. Perfect for an engagement, anniversary or wedding gift or surprise your beloved with this meaningful piece of art. E-mail Jackie at:... Read the Rest...